How to come out as Transgender

Hi there beautiful people. I hope you’ve all had a lovely weekend. I haven’t been posting for a while due to my laptop breaking down which has been a pain., but at least I can still get online on my Tablet and phone. But that’s not to say that it’s been n uneventful time. I in fact, it has been very eventful indeed as I come out as Transgender. So I thought I’d update y’all.

I’d just like to say that this is just one way to come out as Transgender and is how I myself come out, but this is by no meams a guide on coming out. What works for me diesnt necessarily mean that its the way for you. But I thought I’d write about my own experiences over the past few weeks since initially coming out to those closest to me.

How I come out as Transgender

So, its just over 6 months now since i initially come out as transgender to those closest to me namely my then Girlfriend and my parents and have been gradually telling other friends and associates that i am Transgender. I haven’t had any negative responses from any of my friends as they’ve been cool with things. But I have to say, it has come with some funny moments.

Who’s that knockin on the window?

How I Come out as Transgender

I had a friend round a few nights ago and we were sitting having a chat when i heard a noise outside. Looking over towards the closed blinds by the window, I could see a silhouette of someone moving around and hushed whispers that I couldn’t make out. My friend and both looked at each other in confirmation that something dodgy seemed to be going on.

Anyway, I decided to confront the problem head on anyway by pulling the blinds open and shouting “WFT do you want and what are you doing?!”.

To my surprise, it was no cat burglar or intruder. It was actually someone i know standing talking to his girlfriend and were talking really quietly with it being late, hence the hushed tones.

Haha. well, I dont know what i must have looked like with my makeup on and a face of “Aaargh! C’mon then!” about it. But the look on his face was priceless.

He was just like “Erm! It’s just me! Sorry mate!” to which I replied “Cool!” and closed the blinds.

Haha. He must have been wondering what the hell he just saw, but it was funny.

I’ve seen him a few times since and he has been cool with me and stuff. It always feels that little bit better each tim I confront someone with the reality that I’m Transgender

Knock Knock! Who’s there?

The next morning came another funny coming out moment when my Friend Davie come round and saw me with makeup on for the first time. Not just that he hadn’t seen me with make-up on but he had no idea that I even wore it let alone am Trans. So I enlightened him, much to his amusement and bafflement i think. I don’t think he could digest it seriously to be honest as he could hardly contain himself from laughing each time he looked at me wearing make-up.

But I Cant hold that against him really. I think he was more struggling to take th information in than i was divulging it. Especially as it came in the form of him knocking the door and me answering it wearing a whole face of makeup, wig and a pair of leggings on below my boy hoodie.

He was actually very accepting, although I think it’s still out of his world really so I dont try and ram education down anyone’s throat. It’s just one of those things that people will enquire if they want to know more. But I dont like to try force people to learn or understand. I’m happy enough that they are accepting enough.

It’s not my problem

Anyway, these were moments that were quite significant back in the first few weeks of me coming out as transgender and looking back on them now, it seems quite funny that they were even a big deal to me. Nowadays I have no problems with walking down the street dressed how I feel most comfortable that day. Especially now that the summer is almost upon us and we are getting better weather, my choice of clothing to wear whilst out and about has been able to expand.

Dont get me wrong. There are no rules that say I cant wear my fishnets in the middle of January and I often see girls wearing nothing at all on their legs in all weathers. But I have to say that I’m not that brave. I’m too much of a wimp when it comes to being cold and It’s only recently that I’ve been wearing anything other than my skinny jeans when I’m outside.

But the warm weather is here t last. So now I can enjoy exercising my wardrobe a lot more. Nothing I love to wear more is my fishnet stockings with matching blouse, mini skirt and Doc Martens. Bring it on!

I’ve seen a few dirty looks from people around here, but so far I’ve never had any abuse. Besides, the way I see it is quite clear. If anyone has a problem with how I dress or who I am, then its their problem, not mine.

Life is far too short to be letting other peoples problems dictate how you live your life. So get out there and hold your head high. Be proud of who you are and enjoy the summer!

We are all beautiful!

We are all amazing!

Have a lovely summer y’all!



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