My heart goes out to all my Trans sisters in the United States today. I was saddened, although not surprised to see the results of yesterdays election this morning. I know there will be many worried and disheartened people over there today.
Take Heart Sisters
It’s going to be tougher of course for a lot of people. But remember, he’s only in for 4 years and he cant run again . When he was elected in last time, he was voted in on the back of the fear of Immigration and the hard measures he proposed. Yet, here he is complaining that the Immigrants have it so easy. I dont recall seeing any great wall that he promised either.
So, hopefully that will be the case with all the reactionary fear mongery he’s been stirring this time against Trans people. He’s won his election. He doesn’t need to appease the muppets who voted him in.
What are they gonna do? Vote him out next election.
So hopefully his term will be much less effective as the Transphobes hoped, just like the Mexiphobes before. At least after this term, he’ll never be President again. So there’s that. Although I wouldn’t put it past him to try n get that changed as well.
But fuck him!
And Fuck the Haters too!
I know it’s easier for me to say as I live in the UK and less directly affected by the results of the election. Although, what happens in America usually happens here a few years later. But we are a Global community and as much as theyd like to rule the world, they dont.
Their Ideals are regressive. Based on fear of a changing world. Sadly they cling on with their nails to a nostalgic version of realities in a desperate attempt to face reality. They cannot win against progression, no matter how much they try stifling it with their synthetic ideals.
The Age of Communication
![art goes out to all my trans sisters in the USA](
By the power of todays technology, we have the ability to communicate, educate and support one another and that doesn’t just apply to the trans community but to everyone. People can come together so much easier these days to solve problems and make the world a more compatible place for us all to live in.
The Internet, in the short 30 years of existence has worked so much wonder in educating us all. A tool where we can gain first hand knowledge of facts by speaking directly to each other on ground level. Unlike before, where we were restricted to being told what the big media channels and those who fund them, decided to publish. Now, people can just talk directly to each other and cut out the middle-man.
Turbulent Change
Of course, there’s many who would happily shut down who they didnt want to hear. But they cant. We are too big. But many people are still new to this new age of media and are easily scared by what they hear, cos theyre still very much used to the censor. So if they see it published, it must be true. It’s a turbulent change for them as theyre not used to the self censorship and have never needed to develop the skills before.
But gradually, we’re all getting the hang of it and people are learning through a series of teething mistakes, how to take information they receive and judge for themselves whether its right or wrong, true or false, etc.
But its still gonna take time, yet society has seen so many positive changes as a result of our ability to communicate. Conservatives can huff and puff and demand all they like, but theyre not gonna be able to stop human progression.
My Heart is with You All
But, of course it’s gonna be hard for a lot of people and many of our sisters will be struggling in the near future. They will need all the support they can get from us all. I truly feel for all of you and I’m always here for any of my sisters out there who are struggling.
Just send me a message and I’ll get back to you asap. I’m never far away from my phone or computer. Even if you just need someone to chat to, im always happy to listen and help how I can.
I’m Thinking of you all and sending you all lots of love.
Stay Strong!