My Story by Caroline Cossey

My Story by Caroline Cossey - my own review

I was reading this book recently and was so amazed by the story that I had to share it. So I decided to write this review of the Autobiography “My Story” by Caroline Cossey.

“My Story” by Caroline Cossey.

Caroline Cossey was a successful and beautiful Model in the 1970s and 80s. She had a dream of a future with the man she loved.

However, this dream was to be shattered by the Gutter Press when they decided to make her the subject of morbid curiosity when they published information on Caroline’s own personal past.

You see Caroline was actually born with Male Genitalia and grew up as Barry Cossey.

Caroline new from a very early age that she was different from the other boys. She was really a girl. But it wasn’t until her later teens that she came to understand after much struggle that she was in fact Transsexual. She worked hard and was able to get her full sex change by age 20 and planned to settle into her fulltime career as a Model and was to appear in the 1971 James Bond Movie ‘For Your Eyes Only’ as well as various other TV Appearances including the 1978 pilot episode of the Quiz show ‘3-2-1’ which was to eventually prove disastrous to her.

The Gutter Press

Unfortunately for Caroline, an old colleague who she had worked with before her Gender reassignment had a ratbag boyfriend who was a gutter press reporter. All for the sake of a few quid he sold her secret to te News of the World who being the dirty ratbags that they are, completely destroyed her career for the sake of a headline story.

Caroline had met a man who she fell in love with and eventually married after spending a few years committing to the Jewish faith as a liberal Jew in order for his family to approve of the marriage. Of course, although he knew that Caroline was born male, his family did not and they were to find out in the most hideous fashion.

Shattered Dreams

While Caroline and her husband were on their Honeymoon, trouble was brewing. The News of the World made a circus of Caroline’s private life. When they returned home from their romantic time in the sun, the media were all over her. Her new mother in law forbade her husband to have any further contact with Caroline.

When I say her Mother in Law, that wasn’t quite accurate. You see, because Caroline was still registered as a Male at birth, this meant that her marriage had absolutely no legal status at all and was ruled to be a mockery. Caroline was severed from her new family and her cowardly husband was never to speak to her again.

It’s my guess that he was probably given the ultimatum to either sever ties with her or be cut off from the family wealth (as they were not exactly a poor family. they were very wealthy) and like a slimy snake, he ran back to his mommy like a good little boy. In my opinion, it probably turned out to be for the best in the long run. After all, who wants a slimy cowardly rat bag for a husband?

The Right To Marry

Caroline was to prove to be a true legend when she stood up against the British government by taking them to the European courts of Justice to fight for the right to marry. Britain being backwards as it is said that even though Caroline was a complete woman, she still could not marry because it said “Male” on her birth certificate.

Sadly on this occasion, Caroline was unsuccessful in her case against the British establishment. However, her case was to set the ball rolling for future progress. Progress that would eventually see the right to marry for same sex couples as well as gender recognition for Transgender people.

A True Inspiration

Caroline Cossey is a truly inspirational legend.

Personally, I find women like Caroline Cossey to be truly inspirational. My only regret in reading her book was that I didn’t read it years ago. Had I done so, then my life may well have turned out completely differently because this woman is so inspiring. A true hero like many of the Transgender people of her time.

In todays society, we face a whole battlefield ahead of us. Still we have a long way to go before we have a proper standard of equality for Transgender people. But we must remember that we have only come as far as we have thanks to those before us. Women like Caroline Cossey.

Read the Book

If you haven’t read Caroline’s book “My Story”, then I highly recommend that you do. You can get the original hardback copy right here. But you can read it free on Kindle Unlimited when you take out the Free Trial for one month. You can cancel any time so it needn’t cost you a penny.

I personally prefer the Audiobooks as it allows me to listen to the book whilst doing other things. You can also get the audiobook Free with Audible when you take out the Free One Month Trial. This lets you cancel any time.

TIP: I Have noticed that when you cancel the Free Trial, it lets you take it out again after a month has passed. If you have two bank accounts then you can take out the Free trials simultaneously, cancelling and then taking out again. This gives you One Free Audiobook each month. It also has access to a whole range of Free podcasts and books as part of the subscription.

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4 thoughts on “My Story by Caroline Cossey

  1. Nice summary, I agree that Ms Cossey was an inspirational trailblazer, and yet treated so badly by much of society. A great looker too, *and* she appeared in a Bond film!

    P.S. I did notice though that you used her deadname in the article, and really think that should be removed – it’s pretty distressing for most trans people to see it, especially on a place available for the whole world to read.

    1. Hey there.
      I’m glad you enjoyed reading my review on Caroline Cossey’s book and I take on board with what you’re saying about using her deadname and in most cases I’d agree and i generally dont use peoples deadnames as I dont like being referred to by mine.
      However, I feel in this case that it’s entirely relevant as I’m covering facts, including the name Caroline was born with.
      Afterall, the main running thorn in Caroline’s side here in her book seems to be the whole issue of her given name on her birth certificate and the legalities therein.
      But to be honest, anything factual I have covered here is already covered in her book. So I feel if Caroline is prepared to divulge her personal information, which being an autobiography, it’s pretty much entirely what it is, then as a writer in this instance writing a review, I’m happy to cover the content within, as expected.
      I hope this helps you understand my decision here.
      As I said earlier, I dont generally use deadnames when adressing anyone. I use he name they ask to be known as and if I was chatting to Caroline in person, I wouldnt think of using any other name than Caroline. But this is more matters of fact, and the fact remains unfortunately that so many peoples lives are held back by a ridiculous decision that a name cannot be fully changed as your Birth Certificate name wont be changed.
      It’s not as though it’s a technical impossibility. It could be easily done. But those in power remain to keep the rule that it cant be fully changed.
      This is what needs to be changed.
      Have a lovely weekend

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